How Do I Consistently Win In These Players Championship?

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

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How Do I Consistently Win In These Players Championship?

PostThu Jul 08, 2021 2:59 pm

Can someone give me tidbits or advice to consistently win in these players championship? You have to auto draft and you might always never get the team you need to win? Thanks

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Re: How Do I Consistently Win In These Players Championship?

PostThu Jul 08, 2021 3:43 pm

you will never get the team you want. The trick is how you set up your draft and how you handle the waiver period. I am still waiting to get my first perfect draft after many hundred tries at it.

on the autodraft, prioritize the players that are irreplaceable even if they aren't the best or most expensive. At least for me, expensive players are nice, but if I miss out on one, then that leaves me with a boatload of excess money where I can upgrade 2 or maybe even 3 spots. I prioritize players that I simply cant replace without spending a lot more money. Sorry..not gonna give up my list of best bargains

Personally, I try to find stadium choices that can give me an advantage and then I try to draft to exploit it. If that means a heavy lefty/righty stadium or a big time power/small ball stadium, then I draft accordingly. After the draft, look at your division and the league as a whole. Is there a tendency in ballparks that might help you win on the road. Look at your team critically. Do you see weaknesses? If so, is there a cheap part time player you can use to counter those. For example, if you have a lefty power team, maybe a righty who can just mash lefties (even if he is just pathetic against righties) will help you counter a strong lefty starter against your team.

The biggest thing though is experience. Realistically, you just have to play enough games to learn how the computer manager is going to handle things and how to read a card and anticipate how it will do in certain parks. You might take some lumps along the way, but look at other teams that are doing well and see how they are built. Don't give in or get frustrated. The players in this tourney are really good, and they are going to know all the best player deals and bargains and how to assemble them. Plus, ask questions! (which you already did). Most of the managers on here are nice guys who will offer you some insight and will critique your teams if you ask. But you have to accept that criticism. I have had several people that asked me to look at a team, I told them what I thought, and they proceeded to argue with me about why I was wrong. I dont help them out anymore because they dont really want help, they just want affirmation.

Good luck, and thanks for the excuse to step away from work for a bit and think about this.

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