Instructions for Semi-Finals Leagues

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Instructions for Semi-Finals Leagues

PostMon Oct 02, 2023 3:25 pm

Preparing for 3-round forum draft
1. As soon as I know the final 36 managers, I will post a check-in thread to make sure everyone is engaged and watching this forum. I will give a deadline for checking in at the time of posting the thread, but it will probably be October 12.
2. As soon as all the manager seedings are known, probably around October 13, I will post league assignments and draft order. I will also create leagues and send invites. Please join the league, but do not prepare your draft list.
3. On the evening of October 15, I will create 3 draft threads, one for each league.
4. The clock for the draft will start at 10 am Eastern on Monday October 16. Managers will have 2 hours to make their pick or risk being skipped. The 2-hour time limit starts when the prior manager posts their pick. I will monitor all drafts and indicate when a manager can be skipped.
5. The clock will be paused at 10 pm Eastern each evening and restarted the next morning at 10 am Eastern. Drafting may continue during these hours, but the clock will not be running.
6. A manager who has been skipped may make their pick for that round at any time but cannot choose any player (or ballpark) already chosen.
7. If you are concerned about your availability, you may communicate your pick to another member to post your pick by proxy. I will be a good person to use for that purpose, unless you are in my league and don’t want to communicate your draft intentions to me.
8. When making a pick on the draft thread, please copy the entire prior list and paste it in your post and then add your pick. Please don’t just post your pick without copying the prior list and do not quote the prior post (copy and paste instead).
9. The forum draft lasts three rounds, with the third round being a player and a ballpark. You may defer your ballpark pick. If managers defer ballpark pick, the round will continue after the 12th manager, going in reverse order. Remember not to re-use a ballpark used in earlier events.
10. After the draft is completed, you may prepare the rest of your draft list for auto-draft. Put the players you picked during the forum draft in the last 3 positions of your draft priority list and choose the ballpark you picked during the forum draft. Do not put any other team’s forum-drafted players on your list. If you do, you will have to trade that player to the rightful manager for the player that they got.
11. The deadline for marking team ready for auto-draft will be midnight, Eastern the day after forum-draft is completed. That is, you will have between 24-48 hours to mark your team ready.

If you have questions, please let me know.

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