One last decision for my Petco team. I have strong starters, Low whip high HR releivers who are helped by Petco (Cordero is my closer). I have good average and OB with most of my hitters, and two strong natural HR guys both ways. My defense is weak, two 3's in moddle infiled, but good error numbers on most of team.
The question, do I want Mueller or Youkillis at 3b
Muehler +'s - slightly more hits, defense 2 (Youkillis is 4 with similar error number) and 1 INJ rating (Youkillis is a two).
Youkillis +'s - Considrable more OB, especially against lefties, there are now only 3 lefty starters in my division, although lots in the league. My division could change too, there has been a lot of movement. MUCH less DP's than Mueller. And a R rather than a S. That is an advantage in my division, I Only have 2 or 3 Righties hitting against RHPs. And I think that makes me vulnerable to reverse rightties, which one of my division mates is full of. He costs about .47 less.
So what do you think, Muieller or Youkillis?