Will HAL do this...or will it get ugly ?

Will HAL do this...or will it get ugly ?

Postby visick » Tue Aug 15, 2006 8:10 pm

Suppose you have a player, a 3B, that is under-perfoming.

You have NO spare backups as well.

Your ONLY spare backup DOES NOT play 3B.

If I dump the under-perfoming player, will HAL use the spare backup that doesn't have a 3B listing? or can I expect, I dunno, like Kelvim Escobar to play 3B? (if I left the 3B position blank in my lineups...)

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Postby LMBombers » Tue Aug 15, 2006 8:43 pm

Since you have to have more than one option on the bench if you dump your only 3B there is no telling who HAL will pick to play 3B. It has been my experience that he will go for the worst fielder but since your entire bench would be the same maybe he would go with the best hitter. Thats the answer I'll go with anyway.
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Postby MICHAELTARBELL » Wed Aug 16, 2006 1:53 pm

Your teams usually do get ugly Vis...so i see no reason to expect anything different this time!! hehehe.... :wink:
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Postby MICHAELTARBELL » Wed Aug 16, 2006 1:58 pm

Actually, in a league we are in together ($100 Million Finally Here ) I just had Bill Mueller go down for 10 games, and i discovered I have NO ONE to play 3B (OOPS!! You would think in a 100 mill league, i would have covered that eh?)....so HAL played JT Snow at 3B vs a righty....not a bad choice!

I will keep you posted...i am just going to leave Mueller in there for the next 9 games of his injury and see what HAL does...15 games back already...maybe this will make ALL THE DIFFERENCE!! :wink:
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Postby Mean Dean » Wed Aug 16, 2006 2:55 pm

I just did a little experiment where I put all the best hitting pitchers on the Royals, and then started making their position players ineligible. Even with only 9 eligible position players, it didn't start a pitcher in the field. I suspect it would not do it unless there literally weren't any position players available. (Even though you can argue it [i:136f267fc7]should[/i:136f267fc7] - after all, Mike Hampton's bat beats the hell out of Donnie Murphy's! Still, I can see why they would avoid it, both for the sake of simplicity in programming, and also for the sake of realism.)
Mean Dean
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Postby visick » Wed Aug 16, 2006 5:29 pm

This is the scenario...

I'm in a 2 Team Theme league with Cleveland and Texas as my pairing.

I've got an ugly platoon of Blalock and Blake at the hot corner.
My DH vs. lefties only is Peralta, and the lone INF on the bench.

If I dump Blalock, put Blake in RF, and leave the 3B position blank in the lineups, will HAL be smart enough to insert Peralta @ 3B? I would also have to remove him from the DH position vs. lefties...
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