Online SOM Question

Online SOM Question

Postby ntbdriver1198 » Sat Aug 19, 2006 7:38 am

I am an over the road truck driver who had to give up a local SOM. face to face league a few years ago. Trying the free trial on a draft league on here. My question is, is it worth the money to join a league if you can only make roster decisions on the weekends? Would hate to waste my money to find out that playing 162 game schedule is too demanding for the limited amount of time that I have.
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Postby ArtemusRex » Sat Aug 19, 2006 8:11 am

I know there are some managers out there (especially the old guard) for whom the whole point of the game is in the draft. To me thats only half the fun. Its the Ronco Rotisserie (man wouldnt that be a good Strat or fanasy team name) Set it and forget it way of playing.

However, checking in on the weekends wouldn't be so bad as far as checking mail, lineups and trade offers. The problem would come with injury replacements and lettng Hal do it for you. Remember, each day is three games so you could have all 15 games of a major injury play without you knowing it with Hal picking a weak batter to bat or playing your 3rd option instead of your second.

You could still pull it off it you have a laptop and accessibility to internet wireless hotspots. Panera Bread, Starbucks, McDonalds, and different hotel chains have them at many of their locations now. Plus I remember reading an article two years ago where even truck stops were looking to go wireless. Might be something to look into. Even if you find a way to check in once or twice during the week you might be able to swing it.

Just don't select a frenzy league.

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Postby LMBombers » Sat Aug 19, 2006 8:13 am

I love this TSN SOM game. However I think it needs more attention than only on the weekends to get the full enjoyment out of the game. I hate to say it but I guess I wouldn't reccomend it to you.

Go ahead and give the free trial a chance and maybe you will find that I am wrong. :)
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Postby MARCPELLETIER » Sat Aug 19, 2006 4:59 pm

---depends if you prefer the GM job or the coaching job while you were playing face to face. In TSN-SOM, you're pretty much a GM who decides the line-up.

Also, the so-called no cap league (actually, those with a 200M cap) are much more closer to the face-to-face spirit than 80M league. If you create a 200M league, you shouldn't have a problem to fill it within one or two weeks.

But of course, the draft can be a bit long, in the 200M. Fortunately, a draft site ( it allows proxies) helps a lot.
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Postby bleacher_creature » Sat Aug 19, 2006 11:24 pm

It sounds to me like you are/were an avid board game player. In which case, I think you should spend the $25 clams, and give it a go. You will have fun here.

You will need to be careful with your roster. A few things come to mind (just my subjective thoughts):

- If you have an injury prone player, make sure you have an above average back up.

- Hal seems to handle platoons pretty well, although I would aggressively pinch hit more if I were playing the board game, or CD ROM.

- Either spend big on 4 * starters and set them to slow hook, or have a strong pen with at least one "super reliever". Check out Heilman's' or Helling's card.

- Solid L-R-L-R-L-R lineups might be best. Make sure the lefties hit lefties, and the righties hit righties. This way you are more immune to extreme pitchers and parks.

Sometimes I wonder if I wouldn't win a few MORE games if I set my teams and let them play. Too much attention is one cause of newer players dumping underperforming players too soon.

edit: Don't underestimate the competition here. It can be rough sometimes.
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Postby goredsox33 » Sat Aug 19, 2006 11:58 pm

i think you should try the free sample game....but hen spend the $25 and see how it goes....................
its only $25............................................
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Postby qksilver69 » Mon Aug 21, 2006 12:14 am

NTB - I often take a look at my teams only 1x/wk when I have more than 4 or 5 teams going at once. I take a look at projected parks & starters, set my pitching matchups, and then let fly. I still get a lot of enjoyment, I think what I would miss in your shoes would be checking my box scores every important as coffee! :shock:
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