Ok, talked about this in the other thread, see if we can get 12 people to play!
[b:12c6e45e26]Per-Draft Rules:[/b:12c6e45e26]
Everyone pick a spot. It will be the spot you draft in, so pick wisely. Also pick a letter (A-Z) and a state with a Pick 3 lotto. The winner of the lotto (aka High number) will determine what letter starts the draft.
[b:12c6e45e26]Draft Rules:[/b:12c6e45e26]
80 Mil, Dh, 26 rounds (25 players + stadium) That will have to be done on the boards. 2 hour limit, weekends we will vote on (I prefer on for the weekends). you need a valid TSN roster at the end, so be careful, especially with the Salary Cap. Because of the nature of this draft, you must keep 25 and only 25 players all season long.
So the draft starts with whoever is in the #1 spot, with the winning letter. So if the start letter is a "G" for example, he must take any player whose last name starts with the letter "G". The person after him must take someone whose last name starts with "H" then. the next person must take an "i", etc etc.
There are 2 ways to change this though, 2 forms of passing the letter you are handed and skipping ahead. There is the "Letter" pass and the "Free" pass.
The Letter pass can be used unlimited times, but only once per draft choice. It only works if you've already taken that letter previously in the draft. For example, if I've aready drafted a B, and then 2 rounds later I get B again, I can use a Letter pass to skip to C. If I had taken a B and a C I cannot skip to D, only 1 Letter pass per pick.
The Free pass is special, as everyone only get 2 period, so use them wisely. They can be used to skip the letter you are given. So if say Z comes to me, and I don't want a crappy Z, I can free pass it to skip to A. You can use both you free passes to skip 2 palces if you really desire, though I'd not reccomend it.
You can combine a Letter and a Free pass to skip 2 places. If say I'm on Z and already drafted an A I could use my Free pass then my Letter pass and move on to B.
Trouble letters (less than 12):
I - 8
U - 3
Q - 5
X - 0
Y - 6
Z - 5
If you are forced to take a pick, you cannot afford, or have no place for (i.e. you already have 11 pitchers and only pitchers are left in that letter, or you have 3 mil left and the cheapest player in that letter is 3.2 mil) you will be forcd to drop your highest priced players letter, and repick a cheaper one (or other position) to make your new pick work. So be very careful
[b:12c6e45e26]In Season rules:[/b:12c6e45e26]
After the draft, you can trade add/drop all you want, as long as you follow this rule:
You must keep the same letters you drafted. If you want to drop Bagwell for Berkman, fine, but no Bagwell for Anderson. If you have 4 B's, you must keep 4 B's.
This includes the way you add/drop. You cannot go B -> A then drop an A -> B. It MUST be B -> B then A -> A.
[b:12c6e45e26]Signup Below[/b:12c6e45e26]
9. geekor - IL - "H"