by HUDAMAN » Fri Sep 15, 2006 9:51 am
I decided to jump into the deep end too, and decided to give Safeco a try for my first 2006 team. I did so without the benefit of a net (the ratings disk), so I can't say necessarily who fits the profile but in the opinion of a guy who at least remembers a thing or two about team construction....
1. Safeco doesn't reward speed, as the low BP singles will stifle many sustained rallies. OBP is more important, as you are waiting around for the three run homer.
2. I wouldn't even consider having a 'W' power guy in my lineup if he bats lefthanded, as you are giving away way too many BP HRs on your opposing pitchers cards. I don't think Pods is a good fit for that reason.
3. Lefties with good OBP and maximum BP HRs are ideal. If you can find a couple of lefty hitters that hit lefties well and has BP HRs against them, you can neutralize your opponents lefthanded pitchers somewhat. (I've got Brian McCann for example). Guys with no BP singles (like Adam Dunn vs. lefties) increase in value in Safeco vs. another park, since Safeco won't hurt them any.
That being said, I don't yet know who overperforms or underperforms their card, so this is more general advice than specific.
With pitching, the approach I always took was that I want either the pitcher or the park to be able to get a hitter out, so lefties with no BP HRs vs LH hitters are probably the best value, all things being equal.
For specific players, listen to those who know the set, I am not currently included in that group :cry: