Walgreen's Drug Store
4905 Tropicana Ave.
(702) 889-0922
All on Tropicana Avenue:
Starbucks nextdoor to Walgreens
Bank of America (diagonally and back toward the strip a bit).
Burger King
Strat gang met @ Orleans Hotel once and these places are all on that street, Tropicana Avenue. So is the Tropicana & MGM, but on the other side of Las Vegas Blvd. Further that way is UNLV. Then, turn right off Tropicana on Paradise Road to get to the McCarren Airport.
Of course, you'll need a car to get to these places. I suggest a white Jag from Hertz and Frank Sinatra Drive. While you're out in the Jag (tell the wife you need it for emergencies like the drugstore - above), give your wife a credit card and directions to Caesar's Forum Shops & the Venetian's 2nd Floor. These are all discount stores, much like Walmart. She'll be fine there while you chew Spearmint gum and shoot wild Rhino's with Dennis Rodman 8)