by MARCPELLETIER » Mon Oct 31, 2005 6:35 pm
Well, you have to build in your formula in the Excel worksheet.
For RC/27
RC/27 = (RC / (AB-H+SH+SF+CS+GIDP)) * 27
For RC, taking the Bill James formula (other exist on the market):
RC = (((2.4*C+A)*(3*C+B))/(9*C))-(.9*C)
For the letters:
B = TB+.24*(BB-IBB+HBP)+.62*SB/6
C = 108
where I take the actual SB and CS observed for the year (I assume that Strat will replicate the numbers obtained during the season. It is divided by 6, because you roughly calculate the stats for a sixth of the season. If you want more precision, I suggest that you add in the information found on the pitcher card, based on the average pitchers that you will face).