by BRADSANDBOTHE » Sun Nov 12, 2006 12:04 pm
You are right Palmtana,
I have to agree,
As long as a team can get on the bases, has decent speed, good defense and others that can hit them around, you should be ok without the clout.
Of course this would pose a problem if there are alot of hitters parks, the other teams would score runs in bunches with home runs whereas (my) team would probably have alot of 1 and 2 run innings vs. 5 or 6 with some of the bomber teams I have seen.
It does come down to pitching in this league though. There is only one true homer park (Coors) and the rest are mostly pitching orientated. This would lead me to believe that pitching will prevail......
We will soon see who has the best pitching combinations.