Which is worse?

Postby Jerlins » Sun Nov 12, 2006 12:43 am

LMBombers said it best and I'm in 95% agreement with him. I too, would take Sizemore, Floyd and Buehrle over the three that were offered, for the exact reasons LM mentioned. And in total agreement about Clark. You guys can have him for the 120 games, I'll look elsewhere. The only thing we disagree on here is Sizemore. For me, he's too much coin for what he offers.

One thing not metioned here is the probability of where the other guy took his players. Chances are, all three were probably in his top 6 or 8. Dejesus, and Kazmir, in $80 million leagues I've been in, are normally left on the free agent list. I've missed out on his three with some very high rankings on all three of them. I would have declined as well, but with a response something like:

Appreciate the offer, but I placed the 3 players high on my draft list and consider them as my base of my team. However, if you decide to change direction, and Ortiz becomes available, I would be interested. Thanks for the offer.

As far as which trade is worse? There is no answer, as one person's evaluation of players differs from another, its why we play the games.
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Postby PAULMINICUCCI » Mon Nov 13, 2006 12:20 am

I have written on another post about trade etiquette. I think all trades deserve a response and generally I try to be civil but i do not hide the fact that stupid trades rub me the wrong way. In the trades above I would not take the initial trade but putting Clark in (I am a big fan) demonstrates value but deJesus kills it for me. I think it is in the realm of equal value and I would not be insulted by such an offer. the second trade is just ridiculous.on the first, however if you don't like Clark then it might seem a bit off-base. I would use language like Jerlins described to respond not a stupid trade.
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Postby Play By The Rules » Mon Nov 13, 2006 8:25 am

Ah, I am just seeing this for the first time now. Turtle is not exactly telling all of the story, and it's not really a big deal as we both have apologized to each other and hopefully are over the bridge. I'll fill you in for those who care.

First off, this is a 100mil DH league. I suppose that makes my offer for Ortiz all the more ridiculous...

Here's how we started:

He offered:

You give up (pbtr- Ameriquest):
Sizemore, Grady (6,240,000)
Floyd, Cliff (4,620,000)
Buehrle, Mark (4,680,000)

Other team gives up (Turtle- Citizens):
DeJesus, David (4,580,000)
Clark, Tony (7,610,000)
Kazmir, Scott (3,250,000)

I declined and replied (without comment)

You give up (pbtr):
Rodriguez, John (2,630,000)
Buehrle, Mark (4,680,000)

Other team gives up (Turtle):
Ortiz, David (9,120,000)
Colon, Roman (500,000)

I never expected him to take it, I offered it both to make a point and also perhaps as a starting point for negotiations. As an aside, I had 5 *SP (I agree that the * thing is way overvalued, but in this and most 100mil leagues there were no SP left worth over about 4mil of any persuasion) and could afford to give up one of them without any SP in return. I wasn't offended at all by his offer, but thought it was very lopsided. Rather than saying so, I thought this would make the point without having to get into a disagreement.

He responded:

From: Highlanders
Sent: Sat, 11/11 01:48:56am
Status: declined
Subject: TRADE OFFER: bad trade

You give up:
Kapler, Gabe (670,000)
Santana, Johan (8,580,000)

Other team gives up:
Tyner, Jason (3,750,000)
Kazmir, Scott (3,250,000)

this is similar to what u sent me, No way you would ever get Ortiz for Buehrle and John Rodriguez

Now, perhaps I would have been better off offering a comment instead of sending the trade offer back, but it sure seems to me that HE is the one who got offended here, not me...

It was late at night and I think we were both tired. After telling me he'd never trade with me again (trading is so difficult in this game, nearly nobody trades with anyone!) the next morning we both apologized to each other and ended up making a trade (a kind of useless one, I was without a SS at the time and he traded me Crosby for Hall...)

I have no problem with him coming to the Forums to get everyone's opinions, nor would it have been a problem to use my name. Most people here know I am a ridiculously intense competitor, and certainly am prone to going over the line. I only make trades if it benefits ME, and I don't expect the other guy to settle for anything less either- but to make a trade work usually both guys have to back down from their initial demands.
Play By The Rules
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Postby The Turtle » Mon Nov 13, 2006 5:01 pm

I didn't tell everything here, becasue I did not want a rsponse to our own issue PBTR we took care of that ourselves and I am glad you are in the league. Its going to be tough taking you down, you've pulled off some good trades (all fair) that benefit your team greatly. (I was the loser in the Arod sweepstakes I had offered Clark and Cabrera for Arod-Damon.:( I thought for sure I had offered a great deal there. ) You might win 100!!

Really, I just wanted to see if my offer was as bad as you made it sound originally and if I needed to rethink my trades.

Of course I have now sent 20 trade requests and have only pulled off the useless one we did.
The Turtle
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Postby Play By The Rules » Mon Nov 13, 2006 7:34 pm

He may not have wanted to trade with someone in his own division. I feel extremely fortunate to somehow have gotten ARod.
Play By The Rules
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm


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