Anyone Ever See Pujols Suck Like This?

Anyone Ever See Pujols Suck Like This?

Postby paul.czarnecki » Mon Nov 13, 2006 12:13 pm

I've played in about a dozen 2006 leagues. This is the first time I've had Pujols and he's underachieving to say the least, in a division loaded with hitter's parks.

Should I cut him loose?
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Postby visick » Mon Nov 13, 2006 12:33 pm

His power #'s are there, nothing else though. But you can get those from other guys as well...

When a guy under-performs, I usually:
1. Move him around in the lineup, for a series or 2 (FIRST)
2. Try and trade him if #1 fails (SECOND)
3. Drop him as a LAST resort.

He's too big of a hit, salary wise, to dump him without trying #1 and #2 first.
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Postby markp65 » Tue Nov 14, 2006 8:10 am

I wouldn't change anything. You're batting him 2nd, to mitigate his poor clutch rating, and you've got him hittting behind one of the best speed/doubles guys in the deck, to minimize his GDP. Perfect.

It's frustrating to see him underperform. But unless you can trade him to use his high salary allow you to address areas where you need help, I'd leave Pujols in the 2-hole and let the wonder of probability over time go to work for you.
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Postby paul.czarnecki » Tue Nov 14, 2006 11:59 am

I just moved him to the #2 slot. I've tried him at #3 and #4 against righties and he's disappointed at each.
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Postby MICHAELTARBELL » Tue Nov 14, 2006 2:03 pm

Only thing it can be is that you are not getting on his card

1) Playing in Camden which favors righties
2) Facing 77% RHP thus far, which favors him

He is one of the best hitters in the deck (especially seeing so many RHP). The question i always ask myself is this...IS THERE ANYONE BETTER?..or...CAN I IMPROVE MY TEAM BY DROPPING AN EXPENSIVE GUY AND UPGRADING IN ANOTHER AREA??

If your only question is should i replace him with someone else, i feel the answer is NO....there is quite frankly no one better at 1B in this situation.

And Visick is right, his power numbers are good...where would you be without his 20 HR's and 65 RBI's? In 77 games, struggling like he is, that is excellent!

Hang onto him, the law of averages says he HAS to get better, and as he gets better, so will your team.

my .02 :)
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