Theme Lg for Vets: My First Team - RULES DECIDED

Postby vince0501 » Mon Oct 31, 2005 7:50 am

the more I look at my first team, there is no way I can be competitive with a 2005. Except for 3 or 4 guys, none of my players from '01 are even drafted for the '05 game. I don't feel like blowing my '05 winning percentage, now that I have climbed to within reach of .500. Sorry BC.
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Postby cminton » Mon Oct 31, 2005 9:28 am

$100 or $80 million cap?


Should you be able to move any of your original players? If so, dropping them or just trade them?

[b:8e067ee69a]You can only move one of your original players in a trade.[/b:8e067ee69a]

Waiver draft or FA frenzy?


Are any of these rule decisions "deal-breakers" for you (as in, you will not participate if the rule goes other than your vote)? If so, which ones?

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Postby CHARLESBELL » Mon Oct 31, 2005 10:22 am

100 or $80 million cap?

100 preferred, 80 ok

Should you be able to move any of your original players? If so, dropping them or just trade them?

Trade to anyone, no dropping allowed

Waiver draft or FA frenzy?


Are any of these rule decisions "deal-breakers" for you (as in, you will not participate if the rule goes other than your vote)? If so, which ones?

Trading is hard enough to do without limiting it further to just an original team. Same with frenzy, which happens at 2pm my time when I'm working. Either would be a deal breaker for me, as I would not be able to field a competitive team based on my 2001 roster, so I'd back out and let someone else have a go that would have a better chance.
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Postby DanvilleSwany » Tue Nov 01, 2005 12:14 am

I am going to drop-out as well. I am not enthralled with the current autodraft and keeper rules and there doesn't seem to be any interest in any of the suggested changes. Regards, Swany
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Postby CHARLESBELL » Tue Nov 01, 2005 11:03 am

BC, I haven't dropped out yet, as I'll wait to see what the final rule set is before deciding.
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Postby geekor » Tue Nov 01, 2005 2:52 pm

my vote is 80 mil, other than that I don't care.

btw, I will probably drop out if it doesn't get underway in a week or 2 though.
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Postby Mr Groundhog » Tue Nov 01, 2005 6:01 pm

$100 or $80 million cap?

[b:21ccade813]$80 million (deal breaker)[/b:21ccade813]

Should you be able to move any of your original players? If so, dropping them or just trade them?

[b:21ccade813]Definitely no dropping of original players. Trading would be ok with me.[/b:21ccade813]

Waiver draft or FA frenzy?

Mr Groundhog
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Decision time

Postby BC Manager » Wed Nov 02, 2005 12:58 am

Sorry I've been absent from this thread for a day or so. I needed to see if there was enough interest in this league to generate discussion of the rules.

There has been

Now I'm in the process of collating the responses, to see if there's enough consensus on the rules for the league to be viable.

I agree that this will have to happen now if it's going to happen at all.

I'll post the 'survey' results shortly.
BC Manager
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Rules consensus

Postby BC Manager » Wed Nov 02, 2005 1:23 am

Ok, I've totalled the results. I think we have some consensus. And we may still have enough interest to make it happen.

I didn't include Sway(Danville) or vince in the totals because they've already declined, before any rule decisions were made.

7 people voted. Not everyone voted on every question.

[b:00a3b3a35e]Cap size[/b:00a3b3a35e]

80 - 5
100 - 2

[b:00a3b3a35e]Trading/Waiving original players[/b:00a3b3a35e]

Trading - 5
no trading - 1
Waiving - 0

Of the 5 in favour of trading, 2 favoured some sort of limitation (ie., only 1 player or only to teams who had original players)

[b:00a3b3a35e]Waiver draft or free agent frenzy[/b:00a3b3a35e]

Waiver draft - 3
FA frenzy - 1
BC Manager
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Decisions on rules

Postby BC Manager » Wed Nov 02, 2005 1:31 am

Time for me to be decisive on these issues. Here's the rules (in addition to the original ones):

[b:7ce0eed715]80 million cap

Trades of original players allowed, but no team can drop original players, even if they were received in a trade

Waiver draft[/b:7ce0eed715]

I will post a new thread to confim everyone's involvement.
BC Manager
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