Manager Rating

Manager Rating

Postby dennisfs561 » Thu Nov 09, 2006 4:39 pm

My rating has been stuck on 829 for over a month now. No one at TSN will answers my inquiries ("WAH f'ing WAH" :cry: ). Does anyone have any input on this? In that time period I have won a championship and had a .520 winning %. ...........Dennis
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Postby tersignf » Sat Nov 11, 2006 11:42 am

[b:b5de355de7][color=darkred:b5de355de7]I just realized this wasn't what you were referring to...[/color:b5de355de7][/b:b5de355de7]

although the rating is meaningless...
...but if you have some kind of penchant for raising it, this took me 10 can do the same...

Click on your username
Note you only have 7% community points
the site says right under your rating, the following:

[i:b5de355de7][b:b5de355de7]Want to increase your score? Try the following:
Increase your friend network
Become more active in the forums
Start a blog
Submit posts that the community views favorably[/b:b5de355de7][/i:b5de355de7]

I think you could have done that research more quickly than typing a post! :)[/i]
Last edited by tersignf on Sat Nov 11, 2006 11:51 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby tersignf » Sat Nov 11, 2006 11:49 am

If it's just your numeric manager rating you're worried about, it's also pretty meaningless as it's heavily weighted toward the number of wins, i.e. number of teams, you have. So your solid record won't weigh very heavily.

There is no set rule on how often that gets updated I believe. I'd rather they focus on fixing the game instead.
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Postby maligned » Tue Nov 14, 2006 7:23 pm

There's no "set rule," as you suggest, but I've never had my rating not update nightly. It is a bit strange that yours is locked.
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Still Trying

Postby dennisfs561 » Wed Nov 15, 2006 5:13 pm

Still no response from TSN or Berniah. You're, right... it is pretty meaningless, but it is still something of a benchmark for success( heavily weighted to the amount of teams you have played that it may be).Thanks for the input........Dennis
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Thu Nov 16, 2006 4:41 pm

At the beginning of '06 mine was jammed up, but it was still accumulating.

It was fixed, but now I notice the same thing on ATGIII.

My points are accumulating, but it doesn't update to the overall score.

My '06 update nightly.

My guess is that it will eventually be added into the total.

If you click on your name, you can add up your totals from each of the different games, and you will know what your total will be when it updates.
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