Opinions on Lineup

Opinions on Lineup

Postby Jerlins » Thu Nov 16, 2006 11:31 pm

I have a semi-talented bunch of hitters and looking for differing opinions on the lineup. Anyone care to chime in? I'm thinking this but seeking opinions as to why not. This is my vs RH lineup when playing home at Ameriquest:

B. Giles

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Postby bomp helium » Thu Nov 16, 2006 11:54 pm

that's exactly the lineup I would use as well...
bomp helium
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Postby cummings2 » Fri Nov 17, 2006 3:58 am

B. Giles

Mora doesn't have the same speed of Rollins but I think slightly better OBP, also in case you meet with pitchers tough on Lefties he might produce fairly alright.

By having the turn of ther LU with Counsell, Rollins, Mora. The +clutch you have on the 2-3-4 spots might come into play a bit more.

Flipping Floys and Valentin to use Val's +Clutch to avoid the IBB to Tex and hopefully max his OBP with Floyd's HRs behind him.

Just a different .02

Good luck Jerr.

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Postby tersignf » Fri Nov 17, 2006 10:13 pm

Giles first for sure, both ways. Over 50 OBs w/ lots of walks. Clear choice.
Mora has no * lead--that can result in less hits for the guys after him due to the range penalty on the fielders.

Rollins second, but his OBP is not that good.

Rollins has more hits, less DPs, and lower OBs.
Giles has less hits, more DPs, and much higher OBs--the only 50+ guy both ways I think. Clear choice--although lineup changes make small difference.
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Postby Jerlins » Fri Nov 17, 2006 11:56 pm

These are the opinions I am looking for, thanks all. Now if they can pitch for me, I'll be all set
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Postby tersignf » Sat Nov 18, 2006 11:20 am

yeah I forgot to mention--"semi talented"?
Awesome lineup dude!

The other thing I meant by "it doesn't matter too much" is that in Ameriquest you should be more worried about getting people on and hitting LH homeruns. So, even Floyd is an OK choice at #2 at home vs RHPs. Just avoid DPs and seek to always have guys on base for Ortiz and Tex...so it may not be advantageous to have Rollins second unless you're on the road in a pitcher's park.
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Postby Jerlins » Sat Nov 18, 2006 9:09 pm

Thanks tersignf!! Yeah I'm kind of excited about this team myself. The SP's are suited for my park so hopefully they can keep the team in the games and let this offense work its magic. I'm thinking this team can put up enough runs early in games, allowing my pitchers to work further into the game, so I can avoid my obvious weakness in the pen. Wagner was the only piece of this puzzle I thought was necessary. If Heilman can perform like he has on other teams for me, I think I'l be ok.
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