TSN_35439 2003 league - still two openings after three weeks

Postby jcr54 » Mon Nov 20, 2006 2:58 pm

Well, despite the fact that he is in the league, "The Splinter" gave me an extensive education in pitching staff dynamics, so I completely replaced my bullpen, took a break, read another of his tutorials, and then ditched the 4-man * starting rotation in favor of five starters with higher WHIPs, but better suited to Shea and Cell, at least in theory. I'll know I was suckered if Splinter now picks up Moyer, Maddux, Williams or Padilla in the next seven hours. <g> I am assuming (or hoping, I guess), that none of the other league members will read this forum today. Heck, I guess it doesn't matter since the transaction wire tells all.
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