by LMBombers » Sun Feb 18, 2007 7:53 am
[quote:2709eb45a6="johnsain"]1. My team just finished with the league's best record (102 wins) and I'm playing the 2nd place team in my division in the playoff's first round (they have 99 wins and have the 2nd best record in the league). We are the best 2 teams in the league and one of us won't be represented in the finals. Does this happen in the real MLB? If not, this really needs to be changed![/quote:2709eb45a6]
If you are asking if a division winner with the best overall winning pct. can play a Wild Card team with a better record than some of the other division winners then yes this can happen in real baseball. The only thing different about this from real baseball to TSN SOM is that in real baseball if you have the best record and the Wild Card team comes from your own division then you won't play each other in the first round. However if the Wild Card team comes from a different division and has a better record than the 3rd division winner then you still have to play the Wild Card team.
Sometimes this works to your disadvantage like in your case. Sometimes it works to your benefit. Just think if you were the manager of one of the other 2 division winners in your league. They are sitting back and watching the 2 best teams in the league duke it out knowing one of them will be eliminated. It all evens out over time and have to beat the best to be the best.
[quote:2709eb45a6="johnsain"]2. Why do all the Left/Right stats go out the window during the playoffs? The time you really need to study them most intensely![/quote:2709eb45a6]
They don't. Go to League statistics and click on a team you want to look at. There you will find the L/R splits.