Real '07 Teams, Real Parks, Real MLB Franchise Names !

Postby pcbaseballsims » Thu Apr 12, 2007 10:11 pm

A vote for NO D-H! And since we're using [b:8f1d326421]stock[/b:8f1d326421] teams with current '07 rosters and real parks to go with those teams--hey what a novel idea, no duplicate ballparks, hooray!--let's only use real team names so as to avoid any confusion. No crazy, off the wall team names and nicknames--save those for traditional draft leagues or softball teams!

[u:8f1d326421]Stock [/u:8f1d326421]teams mean we use real MLB franchise names!

Agreed commish?

Welcome CF#17! And who might be #17? I like CF#24...Willie Mays! 8)
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Postby PossibleJohn » Fri Apr 13, 2007 8:23 pm

I can support real team names, but I think we've gotta make exceptions for those managers that already have a credit turned into a team name.

I'd prefer DH myself. I suppose what I'd propose is let's see if we have a majority of AL teams or a majority of NL teams, and then choose DH or no DH appropriate to the majority.

Also, you asked:

[quote:97447edbb7]What if the 2007 Yankees exceed $200M? Or any of the 12 teams for that matter? What if a player on this year's current roster wasn't in the majors last yr? Do you choose a free agent instead to ensure we have 25 guys?[/quote:97447edbb7]

Answer from the rules:
[quote:97447edbb7]if you cannot compose a legal team based on that team's real-life current roster, then you will be allowed to draft .50 player(s) only and only from an unpicked team.[/quote:97447edbb7]

And finally, yeah, we set our rosters per current major lg roster of team we choose, then someone will form the league and send the password to the rest when it's time for them to enter.
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Postby PossibleJohn » Fri Apr 13, 2007 8:26 pm

1. PossibleJohn
2. Bunbury
3. MlbInfoCzar

[b:ebbce61c18]9 spots left.[/b:ebbce61c18]
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Re: SIGN UP: Current Rosters League

Postby pcbaseballsims » Sat Apr 14, 2007 12:39 pm

2. $200 million salary cap.


How does the $200M cap work? What happens if your 25 guys, say the Yankees & George Steinbrenner's payroll eclipses $200M?
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Postby PossibleJohn » Sat Apr 14, 2007 5:05 pm

You'd be able to put as many Yankees on your squad as would fit under $200K, and, at the point when no more Yankees fit under the $200K cap, then you'd need to fill out your roster with .50 players only, choosing only .50 players who play on an undrafted team.

Note, though, that if you draft the Yankees, you'd have to exhaust all of your affordable Yankees before tapping the FA pool for undrafted .50 players. In other words, you can't leave an affordable Yankee OFF of your roster just to tap the FA pool for a non-Yankee .50 player.

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Postby PossibleJohn » Mon Apr 16, 2007 5:32 am

[b:8d87f08872]Guys, there just doesn't seem to be enough interest for this. I'm therefore closing this thread.[/b:8d87f08872]
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