Just won my 1st 2006 season championship, with my final 2006 team.....
whats so "amazing " about it is HOW I won.......
SWEPT the last 3 games of the reg season to win the wild card by 1 game....finished 84-78
won the semifinals 3-1.......beating a team that won 100 games......
in the finals was down 3 games to 1..........
won game 5
won game 6 2-1....
game 7 ...............
was trailing 3-2 heading into the top of the ninth....
against JOE NATHAN!!!!!!!!!
ground out
fly out
2 outs.....
Bobby Kielty single
Jorge Posada HOME RUN................
then closed the series out in the bttm of the ninth......to wIN..................
not trying to brag or rub it in to anyone
was just EXCITED!!