by geekor » Wed Apr 18, 2007 10:59 pm
Well in MM, there are many players to use, value players, it really depends on how mcuh $$ you want to spend on hiting vs pitching.
Personally, it's pretty easy to get get * sp's. Carpenter, Oswalt, Webb, J Johnson all work. B Lawrence has done well for me on the really cheap. If there ends up being lots of LH parks in your league, grab Vargas for your 5th, so you can spot start him in those parks, and releive the rest of the time.
for relief, Hermanson is a great value, so is Seanez for setup. Vogelsong makes a nice cheap guy to mop up.
hitting wise, I personally always draft ARod first, to play at SS. He's not a value for the price, I just like him. you basically want cheap high BA OBP LH hitters, they can be W powered. You RH hitters should have powered, and at least be N powered both ways. Shelton for 1b, Cantu or Soriano at Dh, Duffy at CF all are decent values. Gomes is a must have at Dhof in the field, always does well.
high $$ into pitching MM team lost finals:
low $$ pitching MM team won a title:
hope that helps.