by MEAT » Mon Apr 23, 2007 7:12 pm
okay, take a look at sgt.d's team (BED) perfect example. in your case sarge, not ENUGH power. your pitching has given up more runs and homers than you've hit, although you're hoering close to .500. i'd guess that .319 team obp percentage is near the bottom of the league. pierre is killing you, although what youre getting out of reyes so far may support not taking him in the above trade discussion. I think your team shows a perfect example of how much obp means...although clearly a few guys are underperfoming. personally don't have much use for Bay...ESPECIALLY at that price. have just found him to underperform, dramatically. ive got him in a 200m league, and he can't crack the lineup, having begrudgingly played (re:not hit) his way out of it. that could be a source of alot of cash to get some kind of obp crazy platoon in lf, and still have more cash left over to add some power elsewhere. picking up cain was a nce move...