by MEAT » Mon Apr 23, 2007 7:29 pm
looks to me like the auction option has dissappeared on the sight. am I right about this? does anyone know how/have any interest in doing an auction with the new cards? if we could find 12 to do it, we'd have to conduct it on the Individual League Chat thread. my idea would be you'd have to bid on the thread, with 3-hour time limit based on the posting time. if your bid hasn't been beaten by then, the player is yours. if you can't be around, you'd have to proxy bids on players that are up. I should be around for most proxy taking, but could use another couple of owners to help, and ideally, most owners who sign up could be around for most of the live part of the auction. I would suggest abou 15 rounds of auction, but atleast ten. you would have to leave enough salary to fill out the rest of your roster with ATLEAST 500,000 per roster spot remaining. hopefully someone can make this moot by telling me there's an auction sight setup somewhere, or a better way to do it, any suggestions greatly appreciated. then again, if atleast 12 aren't interested...who cares?!