There are still strategies geared toward pure pitchers parks, pure hitters parks and neutral parks.
I think it's way too early to judge what's working and what isn't. Obviously I made that very same mistake early last year. So while I see some of what you're saying with regard to run differential, I also see other things cropping up as exploitable.
Remember too, we are ever marching toward statistical parity with player pricing, so the slice of available pie continues to diminish. And lucky or unlucky rolls may be misleading our perceptions this early on.
While I've always accepted wide ranges of player performance as part of the game, I am a little shocked to see certain guys (Halladay comes to mind) really stretching the outliers to both sides. I used to pay up for consistency, but now I'm wondering if the "all 5s" strategy isn't the way to go, simply because it's a more forgiving strategy. Having your high dollar stud/studs puke out on you can really harsh one's mellow.