I have gone from 165 lbs of muscle(which only varied a few lbs over 20 yrs), playing fullcourt basketball with 20 yr olds - to 210 lbs of...Well, I wouldn't say muscle - in just 10 yrs...Instead of salt and pepper hair I have no hair - But I do have a salt and pepper gotee...Like many late starters from my generation(I have 2 kids in college now), but altho grandpa age(I'll be 54 in September), I have my own 6 year old(No complaints about the little one tho - She is probably the reason I am still alive. )
I used to wake up early with a burst of energy, jump out of bed, qk shower and be at work ahead of everyone else while getting to drink my cup of coffee while I read the paper. Now, my aching joints throb all nite, cause me to get up and have to ice them between 3-4AM before I finally pass out just before the sun comes up and stay in bed until the last minute - hoping for at least 3-4 total hrs of sleep before I work 10-12 hr days, 6 days a week.
My physical life revolves around Chiropractors, massage therapists, antiinflamatories and ice. I have to watch my diet - especially my food combining and can only drink a glass of wine or beer with dinner.
For the life of me, I can't remember anyone's name, the name of companies, restaurants I eat at or streetnames. i can't even remember the names of the waitresses I flirt with only 30 seconds after asking them.
My hearing - Which has never been the greatest after all the loud concerts i attended has all but disappeared - If I don't look right at someone when they're speaking, i don't have a clue what they said to me - And my vision is even worse.
I don't know how my wife puts up with me - She may have in fact, asked me to leave many times, but i probably just didn't hear her.
I used to make fun of people older than me - but i seem to be fading at a much younger age....And last but not least, I can no longer hold a thought long enuf to remember how to be good at this game anymore. My teams have finished dead last - most with worst record in every league I have played in this year - Oftentimes setting my lineups - only to find that I never saved them the next day. :shock: :oops: :shock: :wink: It hasn't just crept up on me - It has taken me by storm - seemingly overnite....Great post and thread BTW. I actually don't feel like it is just me. Thank God for the Forums. Robvoz :wink: