by visick » Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:22 am
Not too bad of a team you have there, especially after your hiatus.
A few things though...
1. A hard RHSP will give you fits though. Too many righty bats.
2. To go with point #1 some more, you are going to hit LH's much better than RH's. Not a bad lineup IF you have 10 LHSP's in your division. BUT, chances are you will see RH's 75% of the time. And like I said above...
3. I've never seen Crede do well...anywhere.
4. I'd like to see more OB in your lineup.
Some ideas:
You could move Vlad, Wells, Soriano and/or Crede to get some OB. Obviously do not move them all, but you need some lefty/switchy guys who will set the table for the middle of the lineup.