Changing Luck?? Time to Retire??

Changing Luck?? Time to Retire??

Postby ArrylT » Mon Jul 16, 2007 10:23 am

I'm closing in on my 5th year of SOM with TSN, and everytime you think you've seen everything - something new comes along to surprise you.

Last night I won my 3rd 2007 championship.

Yeah I know most of you are saying big deal or so what ... 4 other owners already have 3 Rings in 07.

Well this was my 3rd consecutive 07 ring. Yeah I know - its still nothing special - already been done in 07 by Jamie399. Heck even an amateur like myself has had back to back titles before ...

However what makes this new & surprising to me is that it was only my 3rd 07 squad. In other words each of my first 3 teams have made the playoffs, and each of them made the finals, and each of them won a Championship.

The last time something similar to that happened was in the 02 card set where my first 5 squads all made the playoffs. However only 1 made the Finals and 0 won Championships. Heck I had to wait until my 11th 02 squad made the playoffs before I got a championship.

Every other year in every other SOM format (meaning excluding 02 & 07), my 1st team finished with a losing record. It seemed as though it took a long time every year to get a title, heck I still don't have a ring in BTT80s yet.

Of my first 69 teams to make the playoffs - only 9 won titles. Thats a lousy 13%, when on average you should expect to win 25% (since of course there are only 4 playoff teams).

However of the last 40 teams to make the playoffs, I've won 15 titles. A much nicer 37% of the time. My average is still under 25%, as 24 of 109 is 22% but you can see that my luck has changed.

Perhaps it is time to retire - I certainly cannot see my luck getting any better! I mean 3 championships out of your 1st 3 teams - has anyone else done that?
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Postby xtrap » Mon Jul 16, 2007 10:33 am

Nice work on the consecutive rings. I had a similar, although less fortunate beginning to 2007. My first four teams all made the playoffs... and ALL FOUR lost in Game 5 of the semi's.

Again.. nice work!

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Postby Valen » Mon Jul 16, 2007 10:55 am

Personally, I would find it impossible to retire while I was ahead. Something inside would force me to try for 4 in a row.
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Postby LA Bear » Mon Jul 16, 2007 12:35 pm

Yes - You should retire and give a chance for the "Have Nots" to win a title! :D
LA Bear
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Postby ArrylT » Mon Jul 16, 2007 4:31 pm

Well actually I have a 4th team currently underway, and my commitments mean that I have another 3 teams to run. ;)

I wasnt too serious about retiring - this game is too much fun - but I would like to go out on top - and it sure will be hard to beat going out with 3 consecutive titles lol.

I probably won't retire until I've gotten titles in BTT80s and a ATG III Keeper league I run ... if that ever happens. :roll: :wink:
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Postby LA Bear » Mon Jul 16, 2007 4:42 pm

Of course - I was just joshing too. It's great to have strong players like yourself to compete against. One of my best seasons was finishing 2nd to a guy by the handle RiggoDrill. I hope we end up in the same league soon.

LA Bear
LA Bear
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Postby generationm1 » Mon Jul 16, 2007 5:04 pm

3 titles from your first three teams, impressive, this league is all about compitition and it`s good to have you in the league.
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