First of all, I think its very cool of the veterans to give their guidance to us rooks. Thanks for your help!! Now I want to see if I have a good take on BPHR's for pitchers and hitters.
1) BPHR's on hitters cards in a pitcher's park like RFK is bad because their chance of getting such a low roll isn't good, but in hitters parks, they aren't that bad.
2)on pitchers cards in pitchers parks they are bad because if the roll is higher than the ballpark rating it's a home run. So a guy like Carlos Villanueva, who I just noticed has like 6 BPHR's would be awful in RFK, but not so bad in hitters' parks.
Am I on point or way off? Oh by the way, Adam Dunn blows!!!! He's hitting like .190 for me. SWEEEET!! This is a blast! Thanks again for all of your help. 8-)