what does HAL do if you leave a lineup spot empty?

what does HAL do if you leave a lineup spot empty?

Postby JEFFFESPERMAN » Sat Feb 16, 2008 8:46 pm

I've never been brave/crazy enough to try it, so I thought I would pick the brain of others who might have. For example, what if I place the leftfielder in the #7 slot and don't assign a player? Will HAL pick the "best" player with a LF rating and slip him into that position in the batting order, or will HAL take it upon himself to insert a leftfielder and then re-sort the entire lineup to his liking?
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Postby elpasopesos » Sat Feb 16, 2008 9:04 pm

I would like to find out
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Postby packleader » Sat Feb 16, 2008 10:33 pm

With some really bad teams, I have occasionally left spots open to HAL's interpretation. He usually makes choices that I would not have made, but with no worse results than I had been having. Most likely, he'll pick a player who has that positon rated as his primary and reorder your lineup also. Go for it, it's just a game. :D
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Postby Great Unwashed » Sun Feb 17, 2008 8:15 am

My experience is that HAL chooses the best offensive player that can fill the open position, regardless of defensive ability. I seem to remember Bernie saying something about reprograming HAL somewhat to consider defense, but I'm not sure if this was ever done.
Great Unwashed
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Postby the splinter » Sun Feb 17, 2008 9:15 am

I believe he leads you to the showers so you can grab the soap for him. :lol:
the splinter
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