The fan base

The fan base

Postby RICHARDMILTER » Fri Feb 15, 2008 1:17 pm

Are all SOM players snobbish dorks who never actually swung a baseball bat or is it just my imagination? If you are not in their geeky clique you can forget about getting a straight answer from most of these pin heads!
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Postby luckeroll » Fri Feb 15, 2008 1:45 pm

Naw most are cool. when I started online som a few gave me some great pointers
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Postby visick » Fri Feb 15, 2008 2:03 pm

What straight answer are you looking for?

You wanted to join my 1986 league, but we filled it pretty quickly.

Then you made a comment about a $60 million league being pure.

Someone responded, and said that you were not in the league. He basically said that you should start your own league.

You responded with "F- You".

Another person said there will be other leagues and you should have no problem getting in a league.

So, I'm still not sure what you are looking for?

As mentioned....this is a free version of SOM with unlimited play. There will be hundreds of leagues to join. Please feel free to join anyone of them. Enjoy!

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Postby ale0319 » Fri Feb 15, 2008 3:31 pm

I really have no idea what you are talking about rmilter. First of all, I played college baseball at East Carolina University. So as for your "never acutally swung a baseball bat" comment, I take offense. I just started playing SOM because baseball has been my life for the past 17 years.

Secondly, the guys in these forums have been more than helpful to me, as I've just started my first 2 teams. If you have a problem then wait for the real MLB season to start and play another form of fantasy baseball. Otherwise, stay the hell out of these forums.
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Postby durantjerry » Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:30 pm

[quote:6dc1e177f5]Are all SOM players snobbish dorks who never actually swung a baseball bat or is it just my imagination?[/quote:6dc1e177f5]
I am.
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By far and away

Postby chasenally » Sat Feb 16, 2008 2:16 am

You give the best post of anyone out here. I can't believe that you can swallow all of this. Keep up the good work as you keep me entertained with being the most positive being on this or any other planet in the universe. Dude you rock. :roll:
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Postby edgecitytx » Mon Feb 25, 2008 4:15 pm

[quote:276ee86012="durantjerry"][quote:276ee86012]Are all SOM players snobbish dorks who never actually swung a baseball bat or is it just my imagination?[/quote:276ee86012]
I am.[/quote:276ee86012]

me too
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Postby visick » Mon Feb 25, 2008 4:35 pm

Did you get my pm about the '86 draft?

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Bob Costas was SOM Player

Postby GlenBrummer » Mon Feb 25, 2008 8:52 pm

I'm from St. Louis and Costas lives here. Now he is no athlete but he is no geek and he used to talk in the 80s on a local show about playing som.

I saw him speak and charity function and he signed two of my som cards with some humorous deprecating comment about getting a life or somethin to that effect.
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