by toshiro » Mon Feb 25, 2008 10:29 pm
Your run differential looks okay for the record. Sizemore is starting slow, but is on a pace for 100 runs/rbi (always check production stats in addition to individual stats to guage how effective a player is).
Bullpen usage looks like a glaring issue. Geary should be set to quick hook with 1-2 inn pitched max & avoid lefties. Same for Beimel. I'd set Geary to 'avoid using before 8th'. Maybe set Beimel to 'avoid using before the 8th'. Set closer usage to maximize w/saito specified of course. saito set to slow hook. that should keep Beimel and Geary on the bench more frequently. slow hook soriano. don't worry about downs, he'll improve. Maroth should probably be dumped for a started w/o a relief rating, unless you absolutely must have a (crappy) lefty. You need to keep the craptastic pitchers off the field.