by blue turtle » Mon Mar 17, 2008 11:49 am
[quote:28855750a8="rmilter"]You are brilliant! That was my whole point, genius! "Geeky", or whatever that guy's name is, thinks I am yelling. I think both of you need to get a life. Or maybe try and meet a girl.
UNCLE MILTE[/quote:28855750a8]
I don't know nor care if you use all caps or not, for just the one post or all of them. But his remark is generally true: all caps on an Internet forum is typically considered "yelling," since there was, in the old days anyway, not much one could do to convey that type of communication. I think it is harder to read when someone writes in all caps for more than a sentence or a few words, but that probably is middle age.
As for Bryant, apparently a mediocre hitter, awful fielder. His card looks like someone who would have gone to Japan to play regularly there.