Okay, by now everyone has had ample opportunties master the 2007 & 1986 seasons, so here's your chance to put up or shut up and prove who's the best of the best. This is a pseudo-reality based theme dual leagues. Honesty, integrity, playing by the rules and fair play are an absolute must. Owners must agree to play in both leagues. Everyone is welcome!
Rules are identical for both 2007 & 1986 leagues respectively.
$80M, advd., wtd. waivers, DH, geographic divisions, [b:d7d309a835]12 unique stadiums - no duplicates allowed[/b:d7d309a835], [b:d7d309a835]strict 25 man roster [/b:d7d309a835](no more and no less) games 1 - playoffs. Cut penalty 20%. *SP is the same as non asterick SP, [b:d7d309a835]all SP must have four days rest between starts [/b:d7d309a835](e.g. no 4 man rotations allowed).
1. Must play either your base team's or your paired supplemental team's home stadium only. You cannot use any other stadium other than either your base or supplemental team's. You do not have to declare your stadium.
2. Roster must consist of any combo of a minimum of 20 players from your base team or paired supplemental team to meet 25 man max roster. You cannot have any player on your roster at any point of the season that is on another team's base team. Note: you may add a maximum 5 pure/unrestricted free-agents that are eligible for the draft and waivers. Post-waivers, you can add free-agents from any paired supplemental teams. Base team players are 100% off limits the entire season.
3. After auto-draft, if you have anyone else's base/supplemental team player on your roster, then you must immedialtely trade or release that player. At no time during the entire season can you have a player from someone else's base team. Base team players are strictly off limits the entire season.
4. Waivers will be used to correct HAL's auto-draft errors. Teams may add their own base team players, their own paired supplemental team players and pure unrestricted free-agents. Note: during waivers, paired supplemental team players are still sole property of their designated team.
5. After waivers has been fully processed, then and only then, can you add any other team's supplemental players that are free-agents. Post- waivers, all supplemental players are now considered pure/unrestricted free-agents. Reminder: 20 of your 25 man roster MUST be made up of any combo of your base team and supplemental team's players the entire season.
6. Team Draft Order will be based on your overall career SOM rating once the 12th. owner accepts the invite. Lowest rated owner gets first pick of prference of 2007 and 1986 paired picks through highest rated owner getting last pair of picks. Picks will be a direct inverse of each other.
1st. pick in 2007 & 12th. pick in 1986
2nd. in '07 & 11th. in '86
3rd in '07 & 10th. in '86
4th. in '07 & 9th. in '86
5th. in '07 & 8th. in '86
6th. in '07 & 7th. in '86
7th. in '07 & 6th. in '86
8th. in '07 & 5th. in '86
9th. in '07 & 4th. in '86
10th. in '07 & 3rd. in '86
11th. in '07 & 2nd. in '86
12th. in '07 & 1st. in '86
7. Effective game 1 - playoffs, you must maintain a 25 man roster. During waivers and until game 1, there are no roster size limits.
8. Honesty and integrity are a must. Password will be given when the league is filled.
9.Divisions: (first team is the base team, second team is the designated supplemental team)
[b:d7d309a835]1986 [/b:d7d309a835]League Pairings
Red Sox (Braves)
Yankees (Orioles)
Phillies (A's)
Mets (Cubs)
Indians (Expos)
Tigers (Dodgers)
Blue Jays (Royals)
Reds (Brewers)
Angels (White Sox)
Astros (Twins)
Rangers (Padres)
Giants (Cards)
note: 1986 Mariners & Pirates are free-agents entire season.
[b:d7d309a835]2007[/b:d7d309a835] League Pairings
Red Sox (White Sox)
Yankees (Nationals)
Phillies (Cardinals)
Mets (Dodgers)
Indians (Reds)
Rockies (Rangers)
Tigers (Blue Jays)
Cubs (Braves)
Angels (Astros)
Dbacks (A's)
Padres (Twins)
Mariners (Brewers)
Draft eligible free-agent teams: (2007 Drays, Pirates, Royals, Orioles, Marlins & Giants).