Manage your favorite Franchise

Postby ndowdy » Mon Jul 21, 2008 1:28 am

I posted another thread with some modifications that streamline the rules a bit. It's the same rules as the one Page2 runs every year that works well with a couple of exceptions. Players currently on your team (2008) are eligible to you if they aren't carded to another team in the league and their is no limit on the amount you can spend on free agents who used to play for your team (it's usually 4.00) Both of those are designed to make it a little more possible to play with your favorite team and still have a chance of winning the championship.

If you guys want to keep these base rules, that's fine too. Or if somebody wants to suggest a fairer way to balance the league please suggest it. The Turtle had an idea, but I wasn't sure exactly what you were saying, could you expand on it Turtle? Do you just mean that you think we should cap rounds 2 and 3? Eliminate one or 2 rounds altogether, or base the draft order on something else?

The reason why I initially chose the 2007 standings is because that's what the cards are based on. Not that many players switched teams and in some cases their performances are completely different. Check that other thread out that I started and see what you think of those rules, or suggest another. I think there are enough of us that want to start a team based theme league that we can get it going. Someone else started a thread about a week ago that a couple people joined, but it wasn't going anywhere, that's why I started mine. So between the 4 of us here, the couple more there and the people that are looking in, we should be able to do something. Man that was long winded, sorry 'bout that. I rarely commish leagues so I might not be the best person to get this going. Maybe Turtle or someone else more experienced at running leagues should set up some rules people can understand and that are fair.
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Postby 2cityfan » Tue Jul 22, 2008 4:07 pm

I tried to get a league going using the franchise theme as well. I think we can make it easy.. Everyone picks a franchise... all players who are current members of your franchise, or played for your franchise at one time are eligible for your roster... I.E. the Brewers could draft Sheffield (former), Braun (current and carded) and Sabathia (current)...

The 80 MIL salary cap should help keep a competitive balance.. Let HAL determine the distribution of players on the autodraft.. no need for a live draft with complex compensation rules.. If you get a player not eligible for your roster.. drop him after waivers so your roster is in compliance when the season starts... Honor system for teams to only draft players that are eligible for their team...

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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Wed Jul 23, 2008 12:37 am

What happens if I have the Indians and someone else has the Reds, who gets Brandon Phillip? The same question could be asked about just about any player or team. I am not trying to rain on the parade but the rules need to be clear cut. I love this idea, but I just want to join a league that takes all fairness are clear cut rules into consideration. Also I think it would be more fair for people who might want to play a bad team if; everyone only had to have 12 to 15 players carded to their team. And then just make all players not carded to the teams picked,.... up for grabs !
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Postby ndowdy » Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:40 am

Only having to have 12 or 15 carded players is way too low. It would turn allow the lower salary base teams to basically build an auto-draft team tailored to their park. The 20 number works pretty well, I've played in many leagues like that. One that I play in every year that uses the 20 carded players rule (free agents up to 4.00 if they used to play for your team, 2.00 max if not) actually works better than you'd think. The best team from the year before has only won once. That happened to be this year with the Red Sox. The Red Sox had a really good run differential last year though. If there is an adjustment to the amount of players you have to keep it should be small. Maybe one or two less than 20.

What about this, we could do 2 things that would even it up a little so people could play their favorite teams. After all the teams are picked, group them into divisions either by last year's record, or if anybody has access to this, the total salary available on their team (the team's card value) The 4 teams in the best division must keep 20, the middle 19 and the lower 18.

You can spend up to 2 million on a free agent who hasn't ever played for you team and any amount on a player that has, as long as they aren't carded to another team. Therefore A. Rod is a Yankee if somebody chooses the Yankees and if they do not he is either a Mariner, a Ranger or doesn't play in the league. Sabathia belongs to the Indians if anyone plays them, but if they don't, the Brewers may pick him up since he plays for them now (or any other team he's played for, I don't know his history)

Most teams have a fair amount of players available to them from the past to make some interesting rosters of current and past favorites from your franchise.

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Postby ndowdy » Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:43 am

[quote:1d48985435="rmilter"]What happens if I have the Indians and someone else has the Reds, who gets Brandon Phillip? The same question could be asked about just about any player or team. I am not trying to rain on the parade but the rules need to be clear cut. I love this idea, but I just want to join a league that takes all fairness are clear cut rules into consideration. Also I think it would be more fair for people who might want to play a bad team if; everyone only had to have 12 to 15 players carded to their team. And then just make all players not carded to the teams picked,.... up for grabs ![/quote:1d48985435]

That depends on which style we use as 2 which team a player belongs to. There have been 2 suggestions so far. The players 2007 card can determine his primary team, or the current (2008) roster of the team. It's easier to work out balance if we base ownership on the 2007 cards, but we could have teams closer to current rosters if we use 2008 rosters, but the balance problem may be harder to deal with.
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