I wanted to give some props to JVP224 (Jim Purdosky),
He sent me a trade offer for my best pitcher, Peavy, for a slugger of which I already was overloaded and the last thing I needed. I never would have accepted this trade. But somehow, I accidently hit "accept trade!" and it was done! Peavy was gone. Well, I freaked out right away and sent him a few messages begging to reverse the trade, explaing that it was indeed an accident and that I never meant to accept. I begged this guy to do the right thing.
Now we all know how this could have gone with other managers, some would have said " yeh, yeh...you made the trade and are just having sellers remorse, it's a game, deal with it." But what did this guy do? As soon as he read my messages, he reversed the trade without saying a word!
So I was again want to say thank you JVP224, Jim, you are a class act, and I want your SOM community to know it.
How bout some props for this classy move by a fellow Som manager!!