by JIMDAKE » Sun Nov 09, 2008 10:29 pm
You posted this on a Friday. It takes a team of corporate attorneys just to open this file and remember where they left off. Asking for a cleanup in 24-48 hours over the weekend is perhaps expecting a little much.
All the YA/SF Leftfielder/Bonds stuff comes from licensing minutae cr*pola between TSN, SOM, the MLBPA, and Bonds' own army of lawyers. IIRC, TSN and SOM both license active players' names from MLBPA, but Bonds set up his own licensing arrangements - this mess has been going on for years - which I think SOM did not pay for, hence "Y.A.". Use your imagination. One more example of Bonds thinking he's bigger than the game. My understanding is that it's already confused because TSN has certain rights to use players' names, including maybe Bonds', that SOM does not. Did something change because Bonds hasn't played for a year now? Maybe, maybe not, but make no mistake there are attorneys all over this turkey. Hopefully Bernie's not been slow-roasted over a fire over this.
Of course, this is where some Strat fan attorney responds by describing the great importance to Western civilization of a vigorous defense of trademarks and other intellectual property rights....