Keyzick said:[quote:8d9d5d6c06]Actually, I kind of doubt SOM has "scouts"...and if they do, it seems like a waste of money. With all the stats and daata available at the touch of the button, as well as TV packages, etc...why in the world would they waste money on scouts?[/quote:8d9d5d6c06]
What you say here does make sense. However, Strat started their system long before cable, and the MLB package. They(Hal and SOM) have made a lot of friends over the years. Scouts, media, and even players communicate regularly with SOM. I get the feeling their staff is pretty small. But they have a few guys watching most of the games. And they know at least one scout in every Major League city. They probably do not have to even pay these guys for their opinions. Wouldn't you do a little scouting and feed back to SOM if they asked you? I know I would. There are scouts who SOM talk to every year before they have a BIG meeting and determine all the defensive range numbers. And in return they probably give the scouts a free copy of the game, and any rosters they want. This last part I am just guessing about. But it is not a guess when I say they talk to MLB scouts every year.