The value of the homerun (long-winded vent)

Postby RICHARDMILTER » Tue Dec 23, 2008 10:21 pm

voovits says[quote:3a30cf79dc]:I dunno. I guess my thinking in strat is flawed. I do agree that a strikeout means no double play, but my thinking is that a strikeout also means no sacrifice fly or no groundball out advancing a runner from 2nd to 3rd or 3rd to home. Isn't that just as important? Especially for a small ball team. Are groundball double plays really that much more common than a flyball B or any grounder that does NOT result in a double play?[/quote:3a30cf79dc]

SOM is not flawed, and Vegaslou is not always correct. Advancing runners and small ball can work. As long as you do not hit into a DP, striking out is worse than putting the ball in play. A guy may only hit into a few DPs all year, yet strikeout over 100 times. The striking out is worse!
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Postby voovits » Tue Dec 23, 2008 11:02 pm

Well, it is true that in most cases a strikeout is better than a double play. The only instance when I may take a DP is when it scores a runner from 3rd.
However one of the basic fundamentals of baseball is the concept of putting the ball in play and letting things happen.
In terms of strat, it really does all depend on the player card in question.
You may want to avoid a player with a bunch of GBA on the card in favor of one who has fewer of them. I am admittedly guilty of pretty much ignoring the outs on the player cards when picking guys for my team. You have to consider that the out results occur more frequently than the on base results in most cases. Perhaps they should be studied more closely.

by the way, I wasn't saying that strat is flawed, I was indicating that perhaps it was my thinking that was flawed.
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Postby lafayette1 » Mon Dec 29, 2008 3:02 pm

I think that if you're playing small ball, you still have to spend on that one dominant offensive guy who can win games all by himself. Those 5-10 or so games a year where the hitter dominates can make all the difference.

I'm not speaking of the ATG 4 where it's a highly concentrated offensive league, and offenseive prowess is the norm. Look at what Koufax's ERA is on Diamond Dope. It's MUCH higher than his card stats.

ATG is a softball league, but fun none the less.
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