Not sure what I am missing. Strat 2005 link in strat online board shows no leagues registered. I cannot locate a 2005 link to even create a team. Walk me thru where it is located.
Welcome to the league! In my experience, this site has terrific content, but the organization and clarity sometimes leave a little to be desired. 6 spots left!
Yeah, in frustration I just starting clicking everything in sight. Clicked on Back to 80's which listed all my old 80's team and in the left column were sites for the 2000's seasons. Go figure - Back to the 80's should have been the first place I looked for the 2004 season-lol.
Hey, whatever works. Now, if only we could get some more people to join the league. Have the cheaper games fallen out of favor, or are people just in a complete lack of baseball mode?