Inappropriate Team Name

Postby fredpaii » Mon Jan 19, 2009 7:51 pm

[quote:d88adca7a6="george barnard"][quote:d88adca7a6="ehlekev"]Rob, let me guess..............this guy has a really low rating......right?? [/quote:d88adca7a6]

I know you're being tongue in cheek, but let's not tar all the low-raters with the same brush. Most of us in the low rent district of SOM ratings are looking for the same excitement that you are, just a few years later. Some of us are even reasonably, well, somewhat, umm...make that occasionally vital members of our community. And some of us are not exactly fond of inappropriate names either. Hope to see you in a league soon.[/quote:d88adca7a6]

Double-snap for that!
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Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm


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