A wise man once said,"I'd rather be lucky, than good". I think there is a lot of truth to that. We all have asked ourselves, "Why is this team under performing?". Sometimes the answer is luck.
And we probably rarely ask,"Why IS my team doing so well?" The answer(at least in my case) is sometimes luck.
When I was a kid growing up, playing Strat I thought 162 games was a huge sample. But now that I play in 5 or more leagues at a time, 162 games does not seem like such a big sample anymore.
Furthermore, with all the leagues, that all the players here at TSN have played in we have some huge samples. As a matter of fact, we have sometimes hundreds of years of a particular player. And if you think about it that way, it makes sense that sometimes players play way above their stats or way below. With so many samples, of course the numbers are going to stray a bit every once in a while.
As a kid I never dreamed that I would be able to play in so many 162 game Strat leagues. What an amazing World we live in. Enjoy it.