by CHARLESBELL » Sun Feb 26, 2006 11:03 pm
Here is what you need to do what you want with the CD-ROM computer game:
Version 11.0 New with Card Image
Product Code: B2005DNEWI
Our latest Computer Baseball Release, containing the 2005 season rosters. Requires IBM Pentium level or higher, Windows 95 or higher and an internet connection. The included Card Image Utility will allow you to directly view the printed board game card on screen within the computer software. NOTE: this option must be ordered up front, you cannot add it on to your game at a later date.
Price: $64.95
This is direct from the SOM website:
When you consider that you can play endless games of play by play baseball with every major leaguer represented in a realistic simulation, recreate the actual season or build your own seasons and leagues in just about any way you can think of - well, I think the cost is worth it.