Analyze this team for me, please

Postby visick » Sat May 02, 2009 12:59 pm

You need some LH's in your rotation.

Keep Mussina and Fuentes.
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Postby Rant » Sat May 02, 2009 10:13 pm

Hard to rate too much at this point, as it seems like there's going to be some fairly large shifts.

There are a lot of good options on the waiver wire. I'd lose Delgado, I think you can do better with guys like Tex, Huff, Davis, Sandoval, and others still out there. Werth seems overpriced to me, but I could be mistaken.

I'd like to see some more dependable bats (Utley and Drew won't likely carry you), a deeper pen, and maybe a low-cost * starter in there.
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Postby theClaw » Sun May 03, 2009 7:00 am

I don't have any advice to add but I love your team name and mangaer 8-)
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Postby joethejet » Sun May 03, 2009 1:17 pm

For a team that has 4 mil in cap, no DH and missing a 4th * SP, you rate 1838 and that's not bad at all.

You're not nearly good enough v RHP. Course, you're missing a DH that should hit RHP I would hope.
Prado is a big injury risk, decent v RHP, good v LHP so you might not want to keep him.
For a team with a 15 HR for LHB, you don't have many bphrs. Need more power
Defense is good.
Could use a platoon guy to go with Granderson, but not critical
Your OB v LHP is super low.
I would agree that Huff, Tex are good upgrades. Sandoval I would take as a CA if you're going after him. Davis is OK.
Werth if you have a lot of LH to face, or if you need that extra bat in the lineup v LHP is OK, but does carry an injury risk.
Having Ellsbury and Barajas gives you two weak spots in your lineup. YOu can get away with that if you can fill the other spots, but Drew and Werth dont' exactly rip RHP either.

drop Petit and find another * SP. The other three are solid, you want a LHSP in that park. Petit doesn't match your park at all.

Pen is OK, but you might want to pick up another 2 inning guy. Do you really want both of your best two RPs LH? Okajima isn't a great fit for your park anyway. You probably want at least one hard RHRP. You dont' pay all your games at home.

You don't need Pedro or Duke at all, but you have to keep one of them I guess.

All I got off the top.


p.s. love your team name and manager also. ;)
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Postby joethejet » Mon May 04, 2009 1:22 am


Didn't have much time today to look. Not sure who you're platooning with Schumaker and you still don't have a ton of LH power for that park, but other than that I don't see anything obviously wrong. I didn't, however, run another rating on the squad.

Good luck,

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Postby visick » Mon May 04, 2009 7:11 am

I'd move Verlander for Wolf or O. Perez.

Wolf is tough on righties, but gives up the longball to lefties. (but there are not that many lefties that hit lefties well in this set)

Perez is tough on lefties.
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