hey bernie....

Postby scorehouse » Mon May 18, 2009 7:50 pm

such a geek! :P :wink:
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Postby LMBombers » Tue May 19, 2009 5:49 am

Now that we have decided to have another mystery card game we just need to decide when to unveil it! I bet Bernie never knew that we would make his decisions so easy for him. :lol:
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Postby KEVINEHLE » Tue May 19, 2009 2:25 pm

It's kind of like the DH vs. No DH controversy that has gone on for ages. There are those who love the Mystery Card and there are those who just hate it.
I'm not a big mystery card fan. I like to know that I'm getting what I pay for! It's kind of like buying a Porsche and finding out after you bought it, that it has a 1975 Gremlin engine. When you have to resell it, you take a big hit and lose a lot of money! Then what you picked up in its place is even worse, but you don't know until it's too late.

No thanks....too aggravating!! :wink:

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Postby LMBombers » Tue May 19, 2009 2:48 pm

Kev you've got it all wrong. What is fun is when you think you are buying a 1975 Gremlin and you actually bought a Porsche. That is fun! A winning team however is when you buy mid-sized cars that turn out to be luxury cars. Do that a couple of times on a team and you are headed to the playoffs. If you buy a lemon luxury car and can identify that early you simply turn it back in and try again. The key is quickly figuring out (and being correct) when you get those lemons.
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Postby doug_tucker10 » Tue May 19, 2009 3:23 pm

i absolutely HATE the mystery card concept (i've played in several mystery card leagues)...its enough of a mystery already with how the players past performance can result in such a large deviation with the numbers depending on what league they are playing in.
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Postby visick » Tue May 19, 2009 4:59 pm

Though I don't play them much, I like the mystery card games.

Pretty much for the reasons LMBombers has mentioned. There's nothing like getting a $.75 RP in his best season.

Mystery card game or not, I'd really like to see another game released soon.

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Mystery Card Games vs ATG/200X

Postby voovits » Tue May 19, 2009 6:12 pm

Most people don't like the mystery card game because it requires actual work on the managers part once the season starts.
The ATG or 200X games are mindless once the season starts. You create your roster pre-season, set your lineups and set all your other settings to give you the illusion that you actually have control over your team, and once the season starts, you can forget about further managing, and just see how they did.
I my 2 most recent (and probably last) ATG games I played, I did not make 1 managerial move once the season started. It got so boring to the point where I didn't even check the scores every day like I do with my mystery card teams. I only started to get interested in checking the scores again when the season started coming to a close and I was in a close playoff race.
If your team starts off slowly, forget about having any significant chance of turning things around with roster moves because you're guaranteed to get a lesser player if you drop guys during the season.
The mystery card game requires you to manage almost daily. You have to keep a close eye on the stats and analyze the game results and the L/R splits to see how your players are doing. You must them come to a conclusion as to whether you're going to keep or drop your players. In the mystery game, if you start off slow, your free agent moves have a much better chance to put you back in the race because you just very well may hit lightning in a bottle.
Also, if you're in first place, that's no reason to just sit on your roster, because while others are making moves to possibly improve, you could suddenly find yourself out of first and in trouble. You may want to risk getting rid of that average performing pitcher and take a chance you may get someone better. You have to make the moves to keep you in first or else you WILL get passed during the season.
I guess perhaps some people don't like to manage their team, or perhaps people just find it too hard, but if you're looking for a real challenge, the mystery card is the way to go.
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Postby LMBombers » Tue May 19, 2009 6:18 pm

Amen voovits. I agree with everything you just said. I do dabble in the 200X games and 1969 but my favorites, no doubt, are the mystery card games. ATG with it's ridiculously large player pool is completely out for me unless there is some crazy theme league that draws me in.
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Postby keyzick » Wed May 20, 2009 10:20 am

ATG and its huge pools kind of turn me off. I love the 200x, '69, and '86 games.

The mystery card is good too, for the many reasons Voovits lists.

The SOM board game is based on established, known cards, and probabilities though, so I don't agree with the trashing the single season sets are getting. In a straight league, with experienced managers, the greatest challenge (I agree) is with drafting the right team. It is very possible to overcome a slow start, however, as I've done and witnessed numerous times. I also think the single season sets lend themselves very well to some fantastic theme leagues.

Again, I really like the mystery card game, as well, but just wanted to stick up for those single season sets so many of us love.

I'm sure the ATG guys could cite reasons they enjoy ATG so much as well, so I wouldn't want to dump on that. Theme leagues would probably be outstanding as well.
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Postby pkwmati » Wed May 20, 2009 3:25 pm

Well said, voovits. Patience is rewarded in the single season games because of the 20% haircut you take after opening day. Whereas the mystery card games patience could kill you by sitting on that underperforming card. A lack of patience is not punished because the penalty is only 5%.

I love all the games (although Fantasim doesn't really intrigue me at all) and would love to see a 60s or 90s or ATG mystery card game.

I'd also love to see just about any classic single season released.

I don't imagine we will ever see a freebie period again. Everyone was such gluttons during the freebie period, it doesn't look like the '86 game gets much action. Heck the boards rarely even get any comments. Admittedly, I haven't played an '86 for $$ yet, but I do intend to (once you guys quit coming up with these great themes all the time!)
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