All Injury Team Full Season Stats

All Injury Team Full Season Stats

Postby jawajedi » Thu May 21, 2009 12:18 pm

I enjoy making teams that have all the high risk injury players. I put together a 2008 team that recently won a championship.
There are always guys posting on this board, wondering what kinds of numbers and AB these injury risk players will put up over a full season. I thought I would post a link so that people could get an idea.
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Postby boyer14 » Thu May 21, 2009 9:10 pm

I find it strange that Furcal hit only 6 HRs in 550 PAs at the Cell. He must not have seen many leftys at home where his HR flags should have produced many a long ball. I have him on a team at the Cell and he already has 16 HRs in 308 PAs through 93 games. He's .343-.436-.623 so far. Great stuff if he stays healthy. Hope I get 550 PAs from him too.
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Postby AeroDave10 » Thu May 21, 2009 10:14 pm

In a "realistic" league where managers had to basically have the rosters of teams, I took the Dodgers, and Furcal dropped 26 HRs in 478 ABs. I even rested him during the last 10-15 games so he'd be healthy for the playoffs, so he could have smacked 30 if I let him play out.
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Postby Rant » Fri May 22, 2009 9:49 am

[quote:4b688643cd="old__toriihunter"]Wow, nice numbers out of Giambi and Sexson!

I'm trying a similar thing...this is from a 1 player per team league but I managed to grab a lot of high-risk players. I figured there are plenty of solid backups to go around. Furcal, Prado, Alou, Bradley, and Belliard are my featured players:


Check out Punto's stats in 7 games! (filling in for Furcal):

Is Shaun Marcum producing for anyone? I picked him up in a $100M theme league, and he has an ERA close to 8.00 (AT&T) in the early going. Event assuming he comes back to earth is he still up for the most overpriced in the set?
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