by schnoogens » Fri Jun 19, 2009 7:55 am
[quote:ce961d9178="Foreman20"]With out question I was too quick and jumped the gun when I joined my first league and did not look over the draft options close enough. Still I have found my league to be "cold" with few people willing to even response or read your messages. Not at all how I would have pictured a strat-o-matic league.[/quote:ce961d9178]
It gets better, especially once you "know" some of the people you are playing against. I recommend looking for a theme league to join, or one that does a live draft using the SOMdraft website.
And it's true that some people may never utilize the messaging system, don't offer trades, etc...but a lot of good discussion points happen right here on the boards.
Edit: and it looks funny with my limited # of posts to say things are active on the boards, but I'm in the middle of a bit of a mixup with my accounts (I actually have several hundred posts) :D