Canada vs US ReMatch!!! Kolak, Penngray etc.

Canada vs US ReMatch!!! Kolak, Penngray etc.

Postby MtheB » Wed Mar 29, 2006 2:01 pm

Time for a rematch, same basic rules:

This is a team competition of six owners vs six owners.

Two Overall Teams made up of six owners each, Canada vs US, compete for the overall point total as teams, not individual owners.

Each country to have 2 teams in each division: assigned via lottery pick prior to the draft--in order for each of the six teams, EAST,CENTRAL, WEST--

80 Mill, DH, weighted waivers.

Trading is only permitted within teams, and only up until Midnight EST Monday, prior to start of first game of season. There is no trading once the season starts.

Adding/Dropping Players during the season: Owners may drop and pickup players, but once a player is dropped he may not be picked up by any owner on the same team for the duration of the season (this will prevent daily rotation of players between teams).

[u:fbef23b50b][b:fbef23b50b]Point System:[/b:fbef23b50b][/u:fbef23b50b]
1 point for beating other country's team
5 pts for making playoffs
10 pts for winning semis
25 pts for winning ring (ring does not necessarily determine overall winner--overall team pts decide)

[b:fbef23b50b]Country with the most overall points wins the challenge.[/b:fbef23b50b]

To qualify to play for Team Canada you must either:
a) have been born there
b) lived there for over 5 years
c) grew up close enough to the Canadian border to qualify as a Molson Labatts representative
d) be married to Penngray's sister

1) MtheB (Canada)

Note: The Canadian Team Core Group (MtheB, Penngray) has the right to determine whether perspective Canadian Team members are worthy....)
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