MLB Advanced Media action on player names and fantasy sites

MLB Advanced Media action on player names and fantasy sites

Postby msheaf1 » Tue Apr 25, 2006 9:02 am

I also play over at and they have posted that MLB Advanced Media is now requiring a HUGH licensing fee for the use of current and former union member names (they want more from WhatIfsports than they bring in in revenue). Therefore they are having to rename about 25% of they player names (they start with players from 1885 and up) just to stay in business. I am wondering how that is going to affect Strat-0-matic. Has anyone heard anything? I can't imagine all the cards being like Bond's "SF LF".

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Postby Ninersphan » Tue Apr 25, 2006 9:40 am

My understanding, was that SOM does pay someone, don't know if it's MLB or the Players association, for the use of names already. Remains to be seen if that fee will go up and if it does how it will affect pricing.
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Postby Jeepdriver » Tue Apr 25, 2006 10:38 am

I'm not sure if the action in the subject line refers to what I'm about to say, but I'm confident what I'm saying below is happening right now:

This will not effect SOM, I'm pretty sure.

Who might be effected will be [b:7d4cf5f7c1]National Fantasy Leagues[/b:7d4cf5f7c1]. CDM, the largest operator of Fantasy Games currently has a lawsuit pending with MLB over the use of player names.[b:7d4cf5f7c1] If[/b:7d4cf5f7c1] MLB comes out of that in their favor, it will completely change the face of Fantasy Baseball as we know it.

My understanding is that if that happens, for Fantasy Leagues to continue to flourish, they will have to go private in order to continue as it is now.

I hope it's not as bleak as I've put it here, but I'm afaid it is.
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Postby msheaf1 » Tue Apr 25, 2006 11:29 am

Their other option is to pay a very large amount of money to continue to do so. I think ESPN is paying something like 4M for this years fantasy leagues. Whatif is going to have to rename all former and current union players in their database. My guess is that it will seriously hurt them from the number of users playing. Who wants to use Joe Blow instead of Mickey Mantle? I think it can be as bleak as you say. Just more proof that the owners/players really don't care about the fans at all.
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