Any anecdotal thoughts on the success of these methods over the long haul? Except for one Shea team in 2005, all my 2003 and 2005 teams have had good offenses using mostly method 1 with a mixing of 2 and 3 (maybe one of each type). And in 05 I've only played the Tour so the competition has been very tough compared to all my 2003 teams spanning a couple usernames. Usually it's my pitching and not my offense that kills me!
Anyway, may seem like a stupid question, but this gets to the core of whether you choose HAL to treat you right in the late innings with avoid LHP/RHP, pinch hitters, etc. Like, is it better to minimize your weaknesses and have a lineup of 9 decent balanced hitters all with 35-40 OBs, TBs or have 4 guys who crush the opposition, a couple average guys, and 2-3 subpar types? Again, neutral park etc.