Cabrera vs Eckstein

Cabrera vs Eckstein

Postby Detroit-Tigers » Mon Jun 19, 2006 9:24 am

The age old question, Defence or Offence?

How much does the rating really cost?

I have these guys on the same team, and I went with Defence.

Cabrera is hitting .181 .237 .254 (343 ABs)
Eckstein is hitting .301 .348 .374 (83 ABs)

My team is in first place in pitching by a large margin. How much of that is Cabrera?

I am sticking with Cabrera, but Eckstein is Oh so tempting.
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Postby durantjerry » Mon Jun 19, 2006 10:50 am

I just posted similar in the strategy section, where I dumped Rowand for A Ramirez and moved Clark to CF when I was 60-60. I went on to win the league, finishing up 25-17. I think the key question is not whether you are leading in pitching, but where your team stands. If you are out of the playoff picture, it seems obvious it's not because of your pitching/defense, but due to a lack of offense. Therefore, since you are leading in pitching you would want to dump Cabrera for Eckstein, taking the risk you could maintain enough pitching to hold off the opposition while scoring a little more. There are no prizes for leading the league in pitching.
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Postby Detroit-Tigers » Mon Jun 19, 2006 12:49 pm

I saw your post- FYI this is an unlimited cap league, I have both.

I wonder if you were just lucky, read the post "skill or chance".
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Postby durantjerry » Mon Jun 19, 2006 4:41 pm

I read some of the post. I am with the guys that think he is way off base, bordering on ridiculous. As I posted, I piled up a .560 winning % in ATG I based on the fact some pricing was horrible and I read all posts on bargain players before playing. I don't think my knowing I should draft Woody Fryman(and others) every time can really be considered skillful. When the pricing was corrected so that those who were in the know to the ATG I errors stopped drafting Woody, I wouldn't classify that as an element of skill leaving the game, but instead would say ATG II requires a greater level of SOMO skill due to the elimination of the players whose pricing was way off. I don't really see how the post applies to my situation though. I would say making what appears to be the correct analysis early enough to matter and making the move that spurs you to the title must require at least some element of skill.
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