Help with my first Fenway team

Help with my first Fenway team

Postby Redneck46917 » Fri Jun 30, 2006 3:32 pm


Other parks in my leeague are Petco, Ameriquest, and Turner Field
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Postby ArtemusRex » Fri Jun 30, 2006 5:12 pm

I'm guessing that Posednick and Buerell will be your LF/DH tandem (It really is a tossup as to which gets the nod LF as Pos has better range but a popgun arm and the Bur has just acceptably range but a much better arm (for LF I'd actually go with Bu myself.

1B and 2B are defensively frightening and I guess I can see where the 1basemen's offense could overcome (but 1B is usually a loaded position in the free agent market.) There has to be someone better qualified at 2B defensively. Unless you plan him to be your DH and sell Pos or Bu for 2B help.

And as one 2006 Paplebon owner to another, only against LHB and for only 1-2 innings are your best settings.
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Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

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